Hi, my name is

Anas Azkoul.

Welcome to my piece of the Web.

I'm a self-taught web developer currently based in Bratislava. I'm passionate about building things on the web. My aim now is to become part of a team of professional developers.

02.about me

It was while working as an accountant in Damascus, automating tasks using logic in Microsoft Excel that I first discovered how powerful coding can be. From that moment I was hooked but then the war came.

Nevertheless, it was always on my mind. And then in 2020, while working as an English Teacher and with more time on my hands, I decided to take a disciplined approach to developing my coding skills.

Here are the main technologies I have been working with recently:

  • html
  • css
  • sass
  • tailwind
  • javascript
  • typescript
  • react
  • nextjs
  • gatsby
  • nodejs
  • express
  • mongoDB
Anas Azkoul


These projects showcase the technologies I’ve worked with. More of my work can be seen on my github account .

Landing Page For a Gym

A fully responsive web page for a hypothetical gym. Created to practice using Typescript along with other libraries. Click on the links to see both the live version and the source code.

ReactTypescriptTailwindFramer Motion

Get in touch.

To say hello, or to discuss interesting internship or job opportunities, I would love to hear from you.